Der Plan

This is the blog of our travels with s/y Barracuda.

The trip started in August 2010 from Harlingen in the Netherlands as a young man's adventure by Jan-Vincent Nickl and Laszlo Schöffer, both born of the year '89 (also the owners of 'Barracuda').

After crossing the Atlantic Ocean and cruising the Eastern Caribbean islands for a while, Jan left the boat and Oliver Clasper, a young artist and photographer (born of '88) from London joined in. We plan for this year to cross the South Pacific.

The boat is a dutch-built sloop,ten metres long, year of construction 1975. She's a Cumulant 3 to be more precise, designed by 'Van-der-Vlis'.

Most of the photos will be posted on Olly's blog, check it out:

Samstag, 31. März 2012


The dinghy gets a coat of epoxy primer

I'm putting on the new zink anodes.

Tey're huge

Antifouling's done

The non-skid areas

Thanks to Flavid we know how to do it

Freitag, 30. März 2012


Marion ist auch mit von der Partie!

Kunst op het roer.

The hempadur epoxiprimer is on!

The deck is very, very white.

Dienstag, 27. März 2012


Grinding, Olly's favourite!

Finally arrived in the painting stage!

The green stuff is a steel primer that we're putting on all the once rusty spots.

The new cockpit drain, still to be trimmed down.

The patch
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Sonntag, 25. März 2012

Patching the hull

Olly found a hole.

We decide to patch the whole area with a steel plate.

That's the "patch", halfway though welding it on.

The prop is shiny again

More patchwork.

After all this Barracuda might actually be pretty waterproof!

Donnerstag, 22. März 2012

MMC on the yard

Last drinks in SXM

Coal mining

Our new genoa

The cockpit drains were f****d!

After our bbq bonanza. To the left: BARRACUDA, to the right LARKA and her owner Igor.

BIRKA is still there

Shipyard romantic

Putting things back together.

Sonntag, 18. März 2012

Back on Barracuda

Last night around ten we arrived in Cartagena, Colombia. It was a bit of a culture clash after all the shinyness and glamour of the St. Maarten yachting world, but it was a good one. The cab ride through the suburbs brought us back in the South American vibe quickly.
To our delight Barracuda was still standing where we left her over five months ago, the lock wasn't majorly seazed up so we could even get in. Overall the boat seems to be in a quite alright condition ( should I say that without having started the engine?), dry inside, just very, very dusty, but we're working on that right now.

The first selfmade cup of tea. Olly's happy.

It took us half a day to get the dust of the deck.


It's still a lot hotter here than it was in SXM. Time for a siesta.


Dienstag, 13. März 2012

Back to Barracuda

Our time in St. Maarten comes to an end, the flights back to Cartagena, Colombia are booked. We will be leaving on Saturday the 17th.
There's still some work on the boat to be done, we expect to fixing old Barracuda up for about two weeks and then head for Colón, Panamá and to the Canal straight away.

It won't be easy to leave all the good friends we've made here, but hopefully we'll meet all of you guys again in some corner of the earth! Thanks to you we had a really good time here!

We managed to save up a little bit of money here, hopefully it will get us to Australia, where we will try and find some work again.

You'll hear from us once we're back on the boat with some updates on the situation.