Der Plan

This is the blog of our travels with s/y Barracuda.

The trip started in August 2010 from Harlingen in the Netherlands as a young man's adventure by Jan-Vincent Nickl and Laszlo Schöffer, both born of the year '89 (also the owners of 'Barracuda').

After crossing the Atlantic Ocean and cruising the Eastern Caribbean islands for a while, Jan left the boat and Oliver Clasper, a young artist and photographer (born of '88) from London joined in. We plan for this year to cross the South Pacific.

The boat is a dutch-built sloop,ten metres long, year of construction 1975. She's a Cumulant 3 to be more precise, designed by 'Van-der-Vlis'.

Most of the photos will be posted on Olly's blog, check it out:

Dienstag, 29. November 2011


Some photos taken aboard our recent home 'Vamos'.

5 Kommentare:

  1. By the way: the thing in the toilet is a little fish, not what you might have thought it could be...
    No PETA, we didn't put him in there.

  2. Hallo Lazlo,
    ich wünsche dir aus good old germany ein frohes neus jahr. bleibe mir gesund, das ist das wichtigste. schiet wetter momentan. wie im herbst, regen und 12°C. winter ist auch nicht mehr das was er mal war. wir bleiben in kontakt.
    gruss von sabine u. volkmar

  3. Feliz nuevo año!!!

    Greetings from Cartagena,

  4. Hi guys!
    A happy new year 2012! I wish you some good and well-paid jobs, a nice place to stay, good health and love - and smooth sea and fair winds later on this year.
    Kisses from good old Germany (stormy and rainy)

  5. Thank you very, very much. Happy new year to everybody!
    The jobs I must say are coming on a little slower than hoped, but we'll make it somehow.
    Hopefully we can supply you with some more interesting posts soon.
    Have a good one everybody,
