Der Plan

This is the blog of our travels with s/y Barracuda.

The trip started in August 2010 from Harlingen in the Netherlands as a young man's adventure by Jan-Vincent Nickl and Laszlo Schöffer, both born of the year '89 (also the owners of 'Barracuda').

After crossing the Atlantic Ocean and cruising the Eastern Caribbean islands for a while, Jan left the boat and Oliver Clasper, a young artist and photographer (born of '88) from London joined in. We plan for this year to cross the South Pacific.

The boat is a dutch-built sloop,ten metres long, year of construction 1975. She's a Cumulant 3 to be more precise, designed by 'Van-der-Vlis'.

Most of the photos will be posted on Olly's blog, check it out:

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Colón, Panamá

This midday we arrived safely in Colón after a not so enjoyable overnight motor- sail over from El Porvenir, San Blas. We went through a squall that lasted two and a half hours with pouring rain and constant lightning... But now we're here, enjoying the luxuries of civilization.
So now Team Barracuda is down to two again. After Marion left us from the Carti islands, Amelia is going to fly out to Europe tomorrow and will leave Olly and I on our own again. A sad moment to everybody but as we all know: life have to go on.
Photos are on the way,

4 Kommentare:

  1. My mother heart is glad to hear from you - and looking forward to some photos. How did the motor work?

  2. Hey mamma,
    the engine works - well, a lot better than before, after deblocking the cooling water channels throughout the cylinder heads and with the new impeller. We can do a steady four knots before it starts overheating, we should just about get away with that going through the canal. Why it's still overheating at higher rpm is still a mystery to me. Maybe the whole system just isn't designed for tropical water temperatures (there's no thermostate).
    Say hello to everybody back home, Laszlo

  3. My mother heart loves to see your photos! Over and over again. *Hach* *seufz* *schööön*! Good to read that the motor works passably. Maybe you are right with the tropical temperatures. Remember: it's a Dutch boat...

  4. Ah, I forgot: you have many hellos from almost everybody here!
