Der Plan

This is the blog of our travels with s/y Barracuda.

The trip started in August 2010 from Harlingen in the Netherlands as a young man's adventure by Jan-Vincent Nickl and Laszlo Schöffer, both born of the year '89 (also the owners of 'Barracuda').

After crossing the Atlantic Ocean and cruising the Eastern Caribbean islands for a while, Jan left the boat and Oliver Clasper, a young artist and photographer (born of '88) from London joined in. We plan for this year to cross the South Pacific.

The boat is a dutch-built sloop,ten metres long, year of construction 1975. She's a Cumulant 3 to be more precise, designed by 'Van-der-Vlis'.

Most of the photos will be posted on Olly's blog, check it out:

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012

Road Trip!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Von beiden Seiten fotografiert, haha! Wilder Hund, leckere Sandwiches, Bier? neue Kette? schicke Schuhe! und wieder krasse Landschaft! Was hat Olly mit seinen Fingern gemacht? Und warum sind manche Fotos RIESIG?

  2. Ja! Kette ist aus Tahuata, Marquesas. Olly leidet unter Infektionen. Aber nicht so schlimm wie sich's anhört. Und die Photos - keine Ahnung! Musste google fragen.
    Grüße, Laz
