after three days and two nights on the north sea, we arrived in harwich, england.
everything went good though we had the wind right against us. the waves were quite high but the boat took them very well. we didn't. at the beginning there was a time with more waves than wind and being inside navigating was quite a challenge.
cooking was impossible most of the time, the one who made food didn't have much hunger anymore...
but we better get used to it, don't we?
the big cargo ships were very impressing and they go very fast! luckily they're lit very well and you can't look around them, even at night.
friday in the afternoon we arrived in harwich and we're getting a first impression of england. it's rather downtown here or maybe we didn't find uptown yet...
but there won't be much time left, we only stayed for one night and will be heading for dover this afternoon.
we took a lot of pictures, they'll be posted from dover.
on we go, you'll hear from us!
ps: dank je wel joost voor de headlamps, they're in use every night most of the time!
en joop voor de zeilen en de reparatie-spullen, hadden we ook al nodig.
en heine voor de twee emers plamuur! en ook voor de andere dingen.
en dolf en jessica en ferry voor de boormachine en de boortjes,
en zo verder...
亲爱的水手, 您了不起的项目的祝贺。 如果您想要来到中国,请告诉我!